iheart HRV – iHeart

iHeart HRV App

Unlock the secrets of your body's stress response and enhance your overall well-being with our innovative HRV monitoring tool.

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Key Features

Powerful resilience indicator

iheart HRV is a simple and accessible way to view your heart rate variability – a proven measure of your body’s stress response.

Simple testing

The iheart HRV app is easy to use. Simply clip on the iheart device, connect to the app, and follow the guided instructions.

Quick results

Find out where your stress levels are at in just five minutes.

Track your progress 

Visualize trends in your data over time to see whether you’re headed in the right direction.


Add notes to each reading so you can look back on the context of your individual scores.

Easy sharing

Email a PDF of your results in just a few taps.

Master Your Heart Rate Variability with iHeart HRV


Unaware of Stress Levels


Empowered with HRV Insights


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Benefits of Improving Your HRV

Real Stories, Real Results

"iHeart quantifies the benefits of my workouts. Now, I know exactly how my habits and behavior are affecting my body and mind"

— Mike, 35

"I used to struggle with anxiety, so I got the iHeart fingertip device to track my stress levels. Initially, I had a stress score of 89 out of 100. After incorporating breathing exercises and yoga in my routines, I can glady say i feel more relaxed and calm than I have felt in years which has reflected in my stress score as well"

— Jane, 38

"I love the holistic approach of iHeart. It reminds me that I'm in control of my health and that understanding the inner state of my body can help me feel really good about my body."

— Sarah, 42